Love Of Siam - Photo รักแห่งสยาม

Love Of Siam - Photo รักแห่งสยาม.Love Of Siam - Photo รักแห่งสยาม
Love Of Siam - Photo รักแห่งสยาม.Love Of Siam - Photo รักแห่งสยาม
Love Of Siam - Photo รักแห่งสยาม.Love Of Siam - Photo รักแห่งสยาม
Love Of Siam - Photo รักแห่งสยาม.Love Of Siam - Photo รักแห่งสยาม
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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554
Love Of Siam - An Epic Love Story
Love Of Siam - An Epic Love Story
Last night I watched ‘Love of Siam’ along with my friend Julie in his house. He was kept on asking me for the copy of that movie for a long time now. I had so busy schedules and many tasks to do that I can’t give him what he wants. But yesterday was his lucky day. He asked me, why does the movie entitled ‘Love of Siam’? I told him that Siam is the former name of Thailand. Pronounced as /Sa/Yam/, until June 1939 it was changed to Thailand. It was then renamed to Siam from 1945 to 1949 and again renamed to Thailand. I told him that many Asian countries have changed their names like Iran was formerly known as Persia, Iraq was used to be called Mesopotamia, Turkey was called Constantinople, Sri Lanka was known as Ceylon, Vietnam was known as Saigon, and Myanmar was Burma. I am not just sure what the former name of Philippines was. As far as I can remember my history class back in high school, Philippines was named after King Phillip II of Spain.
Going back to Love of Siam, it is a romantic-drama movie. The movie revolves around two main characters – Mew (Witwisit Hiranyawongkol) and Tong (Mario Maurer). They were neighbors and childhood friend until Tong’s family decided to move out caused by the loss of her sister. Mew’s character was a stubborn kid. He grew up in the guidance of her Auntie and his much loved Grandmother. Growing up, he was inclined to music. He is the vocalist of the August Band and he writes the song for them. Tong is an energetic young boy grew up in the catholic family. They have a close family tie until the loss of her sister. After long years, they found each other's way and rebuilt the friendship.
The story of the film doesn’t focus on the romantic side along. It features the lives and thoughts of a typical youth and how he is coping in daily trials. How a youth moves inside the house and act with his friends. I loved the way how the family of Tong portrayed. His mother is a strong woman determined to establish a good life for her family. His father is a weakened man gave up for his family. And his sister is a girl trying to kick her own luck on her own. These are the reflection of many people in the world. How many mother, father and sister are like Tong’s? How many people are doing their best to win someone’s love?
At first I had hard times understanding the flow of story. Maybe I was thinking much that this is a Thai movie and this is set in the Thai’s character. But I changed my perceptions. I removed the fact that this is for Thai audience only. I visualized that the characters are reflections of people, no matter what nationality they maybe. And that the youth in the movie are like the youth in the real world. Youths that is energetic, experimental and confused.
My favorite scene in the movie was when Tong and his mom are putting on the Christmas tree. Tong’s mom asked him to choose between two ornaments – a boy toy or a girl doll. Tong, upon choosing a boy toy, his mom look at him with acceptance that whatever his choice maybe she will support him.
This is the first movie of Mario Maurer and he played a challenging role. A boy, who has a problem with his family, falls in love with his guy childhood friend. He also had a kissing scene with Witwisit Hiranyawongkol but it received positive reviews from the critics. The film received various awards including Best Picture,Best Actor (Mario Maurer), Best Actress (Sinjai Plengpanich), Best Supporting Actor (Songsit Rungnopakunsri), and Best Director (Chookiat Sakveerakul).
The ending of the story is not the typical ending an audience is looking forward too. But I could certainly say, this is the best ending I ever saw in my entire life. I can felt all the emotions of the character - his pain, joy, grief and everything that flows within those tears. I would like to recommend this to everyone – whatever genders you maybe. This is an epic film this generation must have watched.